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Our History

Arima Boys' R.C. School was established in 1886 on the present site, with the entrance being on Woodford Street, by Monsignor de Martini, Parish Priest. At the time, the structure was a wooden one complete with 'demerara' windows, lattice-work, jalousies and the very 'modern' architectural spires.


The dusty yard, shaded by the well-known 'Berries Tree', provided respite for the boys, until the need for expansion/extension was satisfied by Canon Jeremiah Maher, Parish Priest.


The population crossed the 1000 mark and the ageing, overcrowded structure was demolished and replaced by the present one in 1974-1975, under the management of Fr. Hilary  Clarke, Parish Priest.


The new school building, designed by architect and priest, Fr.Edward Michael Foley, Past Principal of Holy Cross College, Arima, built by top Arima Contractor, Mr. Randolph Cooper, blessed by His Grace, the Archbishop of Port of Spain, Most
Reverend Anthony Pantin, was declared open by The Honourable George Chambers, Minister of Education, on Thursday 11th December,1975. Today the population stands at the more realistic and practical 700, with a staff of 32, including the principal and vice-principal. The paved courtyard replaced the virtual

'dust-bowl' that made 'life' intolerable for the Infant Department, which was housed downstairs in the old building; and the ‘Berries Tree’ gave way to the Mas’Camp/Utility Room. The new two-storey west wing was erected during the period 2004-2005 and was officially opened on Friday 28th September 2007. This new wing was named in honour of two past principals, Mr. Gerard David and Mr. Gabriel Cumbermack.


A painting of the old school building, commissioned by Mr. & Mrs. Reginald and Phillipa Pierre, both past teachers of the school, and painted by Mr. Alvin Dardaine, another past teacher of the school, in 1988, can be viewed in the staff-room. Among the many boys who passed through the portals of this school and have contributed significantly to national development, is Sir Solomon Hochoy, the first Governor General of our Independent Nation.


At Arima Boys' R.C. School, a varied curriculum of work is provided, which caters for the holistic development of the boys in a well-disciplined, congenial and Roman Catholic environment. We are a school with a strong tradition and culture in the pursuit of excellence in the academics, sports, music, spiritual development and healthy school/ community relations.


It has always been the inalienable responsibility of this institution to mould our boys into socially responsible and well-balanced citizens, and as such, each and every boy is expected to take part in all our activities in each and every class from Infants to Standard Five. An unmistakable expectation is that each new parent will be as co-operative, involved, and supportive of all activities as the others, so that we can deliver and achieve our Vision and Mission, and, indeed, improve our standard whilst preserving tradition and culture.

Mission Statement of A.B.R.C.

Arima Boys’ R.C. School will teach children respect for God, life, family and country in a secure Roman Catholic  environment. It will make use of sound pedagogy and information computer technology to ensure the curriculum provides for the  development of well-rounded pupils imbued with the values and skills that create life-long learners and patriotic citizens​.


Arima Boys’ R.C. School will develop, with a Roman Catholic Focus, the Multiple Intelligences of the students so that they can become functional law abiding citizens.





Goals of A.B.R.C.

The School will nurture the Love of God and promote academic excellence among students and teachers.

Will encourage a high level of self-esteem and self-reliance in pupils, teachers and parents.

Stimulate a functional interest in sport, culture, the aesthetics and the natural beauty of our twin island state.

Will encourage pupils and staff to be life-long learners exhibiting the best practices of Arima Boys’ R.C. School.



Motto and Pledge




…"I solemnly promise that I will do nothing to sully the good name of my school"…





ARIMA, Trinidad, West Indies

Tel: (1) 868-667-2634                         Email:



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