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Please find some of the school's key policies here. We review and update them regularly and they are all agreed by the school's administrative and teaching body. 



Parents, guardians and other persons of the community are welcome and encouraged to visit the school. All visitors are expected to report to security officers before proceeding to the principal's office. Visitors to the school must respect the learning environment and maintain proper behaviour and decorum. All visitors are expected to be appropriately attired. Disruption of the orderly process of the school is prohibited. The principal or his designee is authorized to deny access, ban or bar future access, remove or request the removal of any visitor whose behaviour is disruptive to the educational/working environment of the school. All security codes should be adhered to by visitors.




Boys must first be taught to respect themselves. They can start doing so by taking pride in their overall demeanor: dress, personal hygiene, environment, using the appropriate greetings and salutations like "Good Morning", "Good Day", "Excuse Me", "Please", "Thank You", "May I", and so on.


Boys must learn not only to talk about love, care and respect, but must show tangible evidence of these traits in their daily interactions with their peers, the school prefects, teachers, cleaners, visitors, their elders, the National Anthem and Flag and School Song and School Flag.





As a Roman Catholic school, there is an obvious slant in our modus operandi, and parents and boys are expected to respect this fact, for it is a given, when one applies for admission and is accepted. We are proud of having boys of all religious persuasions at our school, but respect for our Roman Catholic religious practices and prayers, is a must not an option. The school will normally have two Holy Masses for the term where it is compulsory for Catholics to attend. We also conduct first communion classes for the boys of Standard two classes and above who wish to make their first Holy Communion.


In recent years too, the Catholic Education Board of Management. Limited has initiated a Values and Virtues Formation Programme for all boys of the post S.E.A. classes. All pupils of these classes are expected to be in school regularly to fully participate in this programme .





When removing a pupil from school for any part of the school day, the parent  or guardian of the pupil must inform the teacher and principal or person in charge and complete the Pupils’ Withdrawal Register lodged with the Business Operations Assistant (BOA).




The Prefect System provides for the development of leadership qualities and allows the boys to assist each other in settling some indifferences. The prefects, among other duties, are responsible for the loan and managing of sports equipment at lunchtime and on afternoons, as well as rendering minor first aid practices of which they may be capable. This is soon to evolve into a Student’s Council where greater responsibility will be afforded the students.




The school recognizes the value and convenience of pupils having cell phones but we also recognize the potential for disruption. The following are guidelines for the use of Mobile Handheld Electronic Communication Devices (M.H.E.C.D.s) in school and during school activities:


1. Security for M.H.E.C.D.s is the responsibility of the adults and students bringing them on the school’s compound and/or a school related activity. Parents and guardians wishing to allow their charges (students to carry M.H.E.C.D.s to school or to a school related activity (on or off the school compound), must understand that such devices are the responsibility of their charges while at school and at school-related activities.


2. All M.H.E.C.D.s must be powered off before entering the school’s compound or any school related activity unless permission is specifically granted by the school’s principal or ‘person in charge’.


3. The principal may delegate the duties associated with these guidelines to teachers or other school officers.


4. Where students are found to be using  M.H.E.C.D.s  in such a manner as to be a disturbance to school learning or school activities, the device will be confiscated and lodged with the principal or his agent who will only return same to parent or guardian of students.


5. Parents please note that should your son communicate directly with you concerning any incident, the protocols concerning visitors to the school must be strictly observed.



ARIMA, Trinidad, West Indies

Tel: (1) 868-667-2634                         Email:



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