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Everyone knows that in this age of self-reliance and self-sufficiency one has to devise creative ways and make strategic alliances. At A.B.R.C.S., we are no different. In fact, we take pride in doing things ourselves. But this term 'ourselves' is an all embracing one, in the sense that it encompasses pupils, parents, the wider community, corporate citizens, non-governmental organizations, and of course, members of both teaching and ancillary staffs.


Some established and traditional fund raising activities are:

· Annual Walk-a-Thon in October/November

· Carnival Fete (Friday before Carnival Friday)

· Biennial Fair

· Raffles

· Variety of events in support of school’s biennial sports meeting and Biennial Award Day Ceremony.


These and others constitute the major source of funding for our many activities. Your unstinting support and co-operation are thus solicited and expected.



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