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Timeless Teachings in a Changing World


The school is structured on the basis of Mixed Ability Streaming, Joint/Collaborative Planning and Standardized Term Tests, recognizing the value of the aesthetics and the reality of multiple intelligences. Whilst we continue to have tremendous success at S.E.A., we do have some boys whom we ask to repeat classes. There are general staff meetings once per term and department/curriculum committee meetings fortnightly, which facilitate effective and efficient delivery of the curriculum. In 2007 in order to further facilitate and inspire students in achieving excellence, the school hosted its first graduation ceremony and achievement day exercises. These were the first of their kind in the long and outstanding history of our school. Both these events were resounding successes and we plan to continue with an annual graduation ceremony and a biennial achievement day ceremony. Since then, as of December 2009, we have introduced the awarding of testimonials and honour cards.




ARIMA, Trinidad, West Indies

Tel: (1) 868-667-2634                         Email:



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