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Once a boy is admitted to this school he is expected to attend regularly and religiously, including days after public holidays, on Ash Wednesday and the term after he has taken the S.E.A. examination in Standard Five.

A written excuse must be presented if he is absent, immediately on his return. Non-compliance will result in corrective measures being instituted, for, besides being the disciplined thing, tendering an explanation for absence is also courteous and is, indeed a desirable life  long trait.



Punctuality is of utmost importance in the developmental years of the child. Its practice helps to instill discipline and will serve the individual well throughout his working life.


As such, at A.B.R.C.S., we emphasize this and ask that parents and guardians do everything possible to ensure their boys are always punctual.


On mornings, the first bell rings at 8.18 and the second at 8.20.By this time, each boy should already be at his class line. In fact, we advise that boys should arrive at least ten(10) minutes before the first bell, so that they would be in a frame of mind to begin to follow instructions and bell protocols.


It is the policy of the school to have latecomers form a special line from where various corrective measures are taken.


Our lunch period extends from 11.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. unless previous written arrangements are made between the parent and school, or the child has the permission of the principal, vice-principal or any other teacher to leave the compound during this period. School continues until 2.20 p.m. for the infants and 2.50 p.m. for the pupils in the standards.




The school uniform of A.B.R.C.S. is grey shirt with school's monogram, khaki pants, black socks and black shoes. Among the other tenets behind the philosophy of a uniform, is the desire to have everyone perceive himself and others as equal in education and as part of the same team, that is "TEAM A.B.R.C.S." Consequently, we ask parents to ensure that the footwear is first, completely black, and where possible, not an expensive brand name.


In addition, we also have a Physical Education Uniform which is a black short pants and an A.B.R.C.S. blue, green, gold, or red Tee-Shirt, dependent on the House to which each boy is assigned, viz. Assue, Brooks, La Rose and Lewis respectively.


Hairstyles must be kept short with a single path where desired. There must be no jewelry other than a simple, inexpensive wristwatch. Parents are asked to ensure that boys adhere strictly to the uniform code.




ARIMA, Trinidad, West Indies

Tel: (1) 868-667-2634                         Email:



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